Wednesday, 19 January 2011


Using facebook as a medium for people to ask Job Potato to find them a suitable job in their area.


A person logs on to facebook and visits Job Potato's page.

They can write on his wall asking him to find them a job in a particular industry and location they want to work in.

I will then research jobs in that area for that industry and Job Potato then replies to them with possible jobs they could apply for.

Most importantly, Job Potato will also provide possible avenues into that industry in order to gain more work experience in that field.

Job Potato replies to the request with a list of possible jobs and a separate list of volunteering opportunities that they can apply for.

This is Job Potato and his picture will be shown on his facebook profile.

This concept may help to increase volunteering services awareness as people can get him to do the tedious job searching for them but as an added bonus, they get more information relating to volunteering.

Job Potato can be seen as an easy way for people to get information in an area of employment they are interested in.

This is a form of new media advertising that after researching, so far has not been attempted yet. Therefore it may be a good avenue to pursue in the promotion of volunteering services in a new media campaign.

Here is Job Potatoes facebook page

Another way this can be used is by making a small cartoon featuring Job Potato who explains all the benefits of volunteering; similar to an infomercial.

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